首页 » 历史 » 中国灰姑娘Chinese Cinderella
介绍:这是一本英文小说,是作者童年时代的记事。作者在三十年代出生在局势动荡的中国,虽然生在富裕 的家庭,处身在法国租界里,没有受到战争太大的影响,身为女儿身也有机会上学念书,可是由于 作者在出世不久,母亲即发病身亡,家人就把她看为不祥之物,连自己的四个亲兄姐都处处为难欺 负她。父亲再娶后,后母生下两名弟妹,她的命运就更为不堪了。为了争取父亲的青睐,也为了要 证明自己、要出头,她非常努力读书,每年都名列前矛,但这并没有即刻改变她的命运。由于个性 耿直,不会讨好后母,父亲对她也毫不关心,生在一个热闹的大家庭里,内心却是无比孤独。!
- 播放列表
- 内容介绍
- 001 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 002 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 003 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 004 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 005 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 006 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 007 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 008 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 009 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 010 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 011 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 012 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 013 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 014 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 015 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 016 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 017 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 018 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 019 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 020 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 021 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 022 - Chinese Cinderella The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter (Unabridged)
- 相关有声小说